Special Sheet Metal Fasteners

For more than 10 years the INSERCO team develops specific fixation systems in cooperation with customers from the automotive sector and other industrial branches.

Our technical service assists you in the realization of your specific request and provides technical solutions. After first prototypes and/or pre-series and after customer approval the series production is launched with submission of all requested quality documents. Production and supply logistics are put in place to grant on-time delivery and security stock.

Do not hesitate to entrust us with your specific and technical requests

Press-in Insert Stainless Steel

Insert Stainless Steel for Molding

Compression Limiteur Steel zinc-nickel plated

Compression Limiteur

Compression Limiteur aluminum

Sted according to drawing

Broaching Stud

Broaching contact pin

Adjustment screw

Special set screw

Turned screw to drawing

SEM screw to drawing

Nut screw to drawing

Steel Clip

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